The sure innovation to 'finish off in style'

Designed to solve the common problem of many outdoor flooring systems, i.e. how to close off the edge when there is no perimeter wall. The vertical edge clip is an innovative system for closing off the outer edge of raised floors with an easy and elegant solution. The solution consists of two special stainless steel clips that are placed on top and underneath the base, creating a space with edges that grip onto the portion of flooring cut to size for the area to fill, and preventing any horizontal slippage of the slabs at the same time because of the block at the edge of the floor clip.


Bottom vertical edge clip

Top vertical edge clip


The ideal combination of looks and functions

Designed to prevent any contact between the slab and the perimeter wall when fitting raised outdoor flooring, the slab edge clip is made entirely in stainless steel and has a system to absorb longitudinal and transversal dilation as well as providing a reliable grip, enabling an elegant, straight perimeter gap while giving the floor extra stability.


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